Haunt Trends Episodes

Oct. 2, 2024

Scarehouse Windsor: Immersive Dining & Haunted Houses

By blending gourmet food, live performances, and thrilling haunts, Scarehouse Windsor expands the audience for haunted attractions. As more haunts look to innovate and expand their offerings, immersive dining could represent a key growth area for the industry.

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June 22, 2023

LIVE from Midwest Haunters Convention 2023

We're in Chicago for the Midwest Haunters Convention, recapping learnings from the weekend. We're also looking at the upcoming Halloween announcements from Disneyland, Ocean Park in Hong Kong, and Knott's Scary Farm.

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June 1, 2023

Gain Control Of Your Haunt's Queue Line

Timed Ticketing VS Virtual Queues – which is best for you? Today Alex from Hauntpay and Justin Hill from Haunted Hills Haunted Attraction give their insights from both the vendor and haunter's point of view, so you can decide which service is suitable...

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May 18, 2023

Spooky Music in Visual Media

How do music supervisors choose the right spooky music for a soundtrack – and how can you do the same at your haunt? Today we’re continuing the music theme with another panel from last year’s Midsummer Scream. We’re playing the first 30 minutes of...

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May 18, 2023

Annoying Sh!t Haunts Do

Join Bryan and Tiph as they delve into the most frustrating pet peeves and irritating practices of haunted houses. With topics ranging from misleading promotions to overbearing management, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to avoid...

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April 6, 2023

Springtopia Debuts in Woodland Hills with Two Scare Mazes

Springtopia is a new event in Woodland Hills, CA, running through April 16th. The event has 7 themed lands spread over 200,000 SQ FT. One of those lands is Spooky Land, which has 2 scare mazes. In this episode, we go on-location to learn more from...

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April 4, 2023

2023: The Year of Year-Round Horror Experiences?

Theme parks nationwide have announced expanded Halloween schedules; meanwhile, more horror experiences are opening up in the off-season. Will 2023 be the Year of Year-round horror? In this episode, we look at the Creepiest Trends for 2023. Support for...

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March 28, 2023

SPECIAL: Exploring Authentic Reality at the IAAPA North American Trad…

We recap the major takeaways from the First Annual IAAPA North American Trade Summit, specifically, the central theme of Authentic Reality. The IAAPA Trade Summits have replaced the former Leadership Summits, and each region will host a local trade...

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March 22, 2023

The Secrets to Haunt Insurance Revealed

Craig Watt is a rare combination of a seasoned insurance agent and a professional haunter at Terror Isle in Texas City. Today, get insights on the spooky side of insurance policies as Craig unravels the mystery of haunt insurance for amateurs and pros...

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March 17, 2023

Creature Trends with Allen Hopps and Stilt Beast Studios

Allen Hopps owns https://stiltbeaststudios.com/ and is the Director of https://darkhourhauntedhouse.com/. During this year’s https://haashow.com/, Allen brought several new costumes with an anti-reality theme, and he’s also been experimenting with...

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March 9, 2023

Haunt Consultants: What to Look For & What to Avoid

Should you hire a consultant for your haunt, and how do you begin? Today, https://scottswenson.com/ explains what makes a great consultant, things to avoid when hiring the right one, and why you might not even need one. If you want to join the...

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March 3, 2023

The 2023 Haunted Attraction Association OSCARES awards

Presented by The https://hauntedattractionassociation.com/ during https://haashow.com/, the OSCARES are the highest achievement in the Halloween and Haunted Attraction industry. Today, we’re playing the full award presentation for you, including the...

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Feb. 24, 2023

Fabrication Trends with Little Spider Creations

Little Spider Creations ihttps://littlespidercreations.com/ based in South Carolina. Since their founding in 1991, they’ve designed and fabricated for everyone, from haunted houses to theme parks, industrial spaces, and retail. Because they sit at the...

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Jan. 27, 2023

Trends in consumer-grade animatronics with Morris Costumes

Founded in 1960, https://www.morriscostumes.com/ is a wholesaler distributing tens of thousands of Halloween products. Over the years, they’ve become known for animatronics, and they debuted several new models at this year’s retail show. The...

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Jan. 26, 2023

One Final Time at Containment Haunted House in Lithia Spring GA

Containment haunted house in Lithia Springs, Georgia, has closed its old location permanently, and today, we’ll visit the final show. https://www.containmenthauntedhouse.com/ opened its lithia springs location in 2016. The haunt is made from shipping...

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