'Madame Scrooge: A Christmas Carol Musical' is a new, Broadway-style musical playing through Dec 23rd in Burbank California. While it’s still brimming with Christmas Spirit, this version gets darker than other renditions and features fantastical creatures.
Now in its third year, the Spooky Swap Meet combines shopping, food, and music with trick-or-treating and walkthrough experiences at the Victorian manors of the Heritage Square Museum!
The https://www.citymuseum.org/ in St Louis hosts haunters for a yearly party during https://haashow.com/. The massive space is about interactive play, where the local team makes everything from recycled materials. The Museum was hit hard by the...
Two haunters have pivoted to developing a 360° immersive audio experience called https://sleepwalkr.org/. Hidden within a strip mall in San Gabriel, California, is The Sandmen Collective, a popular dream exhibitor. When entering, guests can choose...
Part walk down memory lane and part exploration of art – we’ll sit down with the creators of Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre to discuss their past 30 years.
Today, we’re joined by Horrorbuzz founder Norm Gibney to discuss NOPE and the in-person immersive event that universal put on to launch the film.
We’re going on-location to hear how one haunter created a new unsettling piece of immersive theatre called Within Our Walls.
We’re going on-location to Max’s Nasty House, a new immersive production from Ballview Entertainment held at the Brickhouse Theatre in North Hollywood.
Today, we’re going on-location to Paranormal Cirque II. Paranormal Cirque combines horror, acrobatics, and comedy to create a 2-hour experience that’s currently touring the US. We’ll learn about the creation and specifically about the scripting of...
We’re going behind the Scenes of Urban Death Cannibal Corpse at Zombie Joe’s Underground in North Hollywood. Today’s episode is a recording from our first meet-up of the season which we did in partnership with Horrorbuzz. We often say that Haunt is...
We’re going on-location to Evil Intentions in Elgin IL to learn about their 2022 season. Evil Intentions is known for its ‘jungle gym’ rooms filled with actors choreographed to original music. Today we’ll hear from owner Mike Fitzpatrick.
Now in its 10th year, The Fear PDX in Portland Oregan opened for Halfway to Halloween on May 13th. This 1-night event was a first for the haunt, and it coincided with the WCHC bus tour. Today, we’ll go on-location and hear from the team. Show notes:...
Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre Group Kicks-Off Their 30th Season with BLOOD ALLEY HAUNT – this weekend only.