March 5, 2022

[Hauntopic] The Growing Pains of an Outdoor Haunt with Zombie Farms

[Hauntopic] The Growing Pains of an Outdoor Haunt with Zombie Farms

Cynthia MacDonald from Zombie Farms in Athens, Georgia shares her experience from start to finish on how she started their outdoor trail and how you can start one too.

To get access to this entire Master Class, become a Haunt Master at...

Cynthia MacDonald from Zombie Farms in Athens, Georgia shares her experience from start to finish on how she started their outdoor trail and how you can start one too.

To get access to this entire Master Class, become a Haunt Master at

Some tips in this podcast:

The pros and cons of outdoor haunts
How actor management is different in the woods
Where to find cheap & free materials to build
ohh...and sooo much more....