Aug. 9, 2021

How To Prepare For a Difficult Fall Season & The Price of Magic

How To Prepare For a Difficult Fall Season & The Price of Magic

As China begins to shut down again, attractions in the US are fighting to stay open and working. NYC’s new mandate program for recreation is one path, while Florida’s is another. And yet, numbers released this week show Universal already matching 2019...

As China begins to shut down again, attractions in the US are fighting to stay open and working. NYC’s new mandate program for recreation is one path, while Florida’s is another. And yet, numbers released this week show Universal already matching 2019 attendance with Cedar Fair at 85%. Plus, AA shows business travel returning.

The bad news: guests are grumpy, violent interactions are on the rise, and differing restrictions continue to confuse.

The opportunity: keeping reservation systems and upcharge experiences.

This week we’ll discuss all this and what you can do to navigate the next few months.