Nov. 18, 2022

Masters of Make-Up Effects LIVE with Howard Berger and Marshall Julius

Masters of Make-Up Effects LIVE with Howard Berger and Marshall Julius

Authors Howard Berger and Marshall Julius pick the brains of a panel of film and television's greatest Masters of Make-Up Effects. We’ll hear stories the history behind some of the most iconic creatures, appliances, and make-up effects on the big...

Authors Howard Berger and Marshall Julius pick the brains of a panel of film and television's greatest Masters of Make-Up Effects. We’ll hear stories the history behind some of the most iconic creatures, appliances, and make-up effects on the big screen. This audio was recorded live from a panel presented by Nostalgic Nebula. In it, Authors Howard Berger and Marshall Julius pick the brains of a panel of film and television's greatest Masters of Make-Up Effects. This was recorded LIVE on September 23rd, 2022, at The Montalbán Theatre in Hollywood. Subscribe: