Dot Rooms, Clown Mazes, and 3D Floors with Pittsburgh Poster

Pittsburgh Poster is a large format printer and manufacturer of screen printing, digital and hybrid products. Their parent company Design Dynamics, Inc. is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year.
Pittsburgh Poster is a large format printer and manufacturer of screen printing, digital and hybrid products. Today, we’ll hear about their haunt division and its most popular products for haunters.
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- Dot Room Video
- Our list of Haunt Associations and Groups
- Our list of Haunt Industry Tradeshows
- Other Vendor Interviews
This is part of our vendor showcase series, in partnership with the Haunted Attraction Association; this interview was recorded by Scott Swenson and features Melanie Paul.
Scott: What really is the most popular product? The thing that everybody just walks by and goes, "oh, I'll take that."
Melanie: The popular product is our Dot Room. Our Dot Room is what everybody wants to put inside of their haunts. It's also including our clown maze in our floors, our 3d floor panels, they really just pop right at you. And everybody, as soon as they come into our haunt, they walk in and they see it and they're like, "oh, wow, this is what we want. This is what we need. This is cool. This is awesome." So that's kind of what it is. The Dot Rooms, and our clowns, are really a big hit.
Scott: So, every vendor has that product that is sort of, I call it the passion product, but the product that you think is really, really cool, but the audience hasn't quite discovered yet. Either they don't know how to use it, or they don't know it exists. Do you guys have one of those products where you think, "gosh, I love this, and I wish more people knew about it."
Melanie: Yeah. We have this machine that's called a gizmo, and it rotates a screen going up and down. You can put any kind of print on it, any kind of picture on it, and you could rotate it, and with your 3d glasses it really pops, it makes a room a different room. It can change a room instantly, just by putting this machine in it, and people don't really realize that they can do so much more with this machine that rotates a screen with a picture.
Scott: So, you could almost create a sense of motion in the room, couldn't you?
Melanie: Yes, definitely. You got motions, and then also with our hypnosis, that spinning wheel, that also next to it really just creates this awesome illusion to where you don't even know what's up and down, and you kind of get sick to your stomach. It's almost too much motion and crazy illusions that you can put all that in a room, and really do some cool stuff with it.
Scott: That's really exciting. Everybody should know about that. So good, I'm glad you're listening. So, the trade show itself, I know you guys have been at multiple trade shows and have been at this trade show many years.
Melanie: We go to other conventions, but nothing, it's not even a percent that compares to this one. This is where you make your big money, this is where you sell, this is where you see the coolest stuff. It's just, you got to come to this place. I mean, if you don't go to any other, any time of year, this is the one you have to come to, is Transworld here in St. Louis.
Scott: So now I'm going to ask just a silly question. Just a fun, silly question, then we will be all done. What was your favorite Halloween costume you've ever done in your entire life, and why? Why did you do it? Why did you like it? I see you smiling already, you have something that just came to mind.
Melanie: I was actually, I made my own costume. I made myself a tree. I used pool noodles and kind of just made it crafted up from bottom to the top, and I ended up being a tree, and I just stood in my front yard. Then when kids would come up to me, they would think I was a tree, but then I would throw candy at them.
Scott: Oh, that's great. That's really, it's kind of like Wizard of Oz candy dispenser.
Melanie: Yeah, every single kid jumped and dropped all their candy, probably a couple peed their pants.
Scott: My kind of trick or treating. I like that. So, if people who are listening, who are unable to be here at the show, if they would like to contact your company, find out more about your product, where should they go?
Melanie: If you want to contact us, it's, and that has all of our products on there, panels and everything like that. We would love to hear from anybody that wants our products, and we can work something out.
Scott: Great. Thank you so much for your time. Real quick, can you tell us about the dog? Everybody asks you, if you've ever come to a Tradeshow and you see this beautiful old English sheepdog, just kind of chilling out at your booth, what's his name? I mean, he's just so affectionate.
Melanie: Yeah, his owners are John and Linda and his name's Gabriel, Gabe by short. I pretty much think he's like the mascot of Transworld, right? Cause every single person knows him, he's walking around everywhere, and they're like, "that’s Gabriel. There's Gabe," and they pet him. He's just a good, good boy.
We were setting up our whole place, you know, over the beginning of the week, and he's just weaving through the maze trying to find mom. He goes everywhere, and he's walking around, and he's just a great companion to have here with us. He's really helped us with sales as well.
Scott: Excellent. Thank you so much.

Scott Swenson
Owner/Creative Director
For over 30 years, Scott Swenson has been a storyteller, bringing stories to life as a writer, director, producer and performer. His work in theme park, consumer events, live theatre and television has given him a broad spectrum of experiences. In 2014, after 21 years with SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, Scott formed Scott Swenson Creative Development LLC. Since then he has been providing impactful experiences for clients around the world. Whether he is installing shows on cruise ships or creating seasonal festivals for theme parks, writing educational presentations for zoos and museums or directing successful fund raisers, Scott is always finding new ways to tell stories that engage and entertain.